•高灵敏度 •两个磁检测与非磁性金属 •光学,声学和振动报警 •电池寿命长 •非常高的可靠性 •易用 •自校准 •归纳的快速电池充电器 (可选的)模型是pd140vr) 增强型手持式金属探测器 携带盒V140符合人体工程学的形状特殊的 装置的检测不允许的干扰的运营商的手指特种工效学 pd140vr手持金属探测器操作功能在金属探测器的转向控制和signali算子3位开关的电源开关断开从中央对无论是左或右的位置,这取决于设备是否是 被操纵的视觉与音频/报警(或左)音频/视觉/振动警报(右)。在金属探测器的报警和报警的LED将照亮 蜂鸣器将被激活的时间是短的。在这个操作中,保持远离任何金属物体表面检测到的报警信号已经走了出来。LED灯的电力设备上表明,是可操作的。返回到OFF位置开关到开关的装置。增强型手持式金属探测器 电源供应器 pd140v:9V干电池 镍氢电池充电器9V的接触或与 pd140vr 9V镍氢电池充电器与bc140f归纳: 具有三位置开关选择 两个不同的报警模式 同时光学和声学的报警。 内置的蜂鸣器(75分贝,在90厘米的距离) 光报警和振动手柄 灵敏度调整由外部手段三位选择器 在连续操作的电池寿命 碱性电池具有最大的150小时。 镍氢电池具有最高:40小时 如果指示灯 电源(绿色) 报警(红色灯) 低电池充电(blinking黄光) 操作温度为15°C相对湿度:0到65°c至95 %) 制造的灰色,ABS和聚碳酸酯共混物的耐冲击 340×80×55毫米的尺寸 体重71公斤(含电池) 目前,符合国际标准,适用于电气安全、适用和e.m.c. to the欧盟法规运营商控制的和信令设备 1报警信号报警灯:红色 (2)黄灯:电池低 低电池信号(blinking) 3电源灯:“绿色电力” 和“就绪”状态信号。 当充电bc140f在线。 表明的电荷状态 4灵敏度调整 5电源开关 •位置:左视觉和audible闹钟信令 •正确的位置:视觉和振动报警信号 6报警蜂鸣器bc140f 归纳电池快速充电器V140携带盒在bc140f单元提供了充电,没有镍氢电池的电接触,在pd140vr金属探测器。在bc140f电池 设计了一种充电器能够被连接到在级联与其他类似装置。 技术特点 电源:90 265vrms,50 / 60 Hz,4 W 充电时间:4小时(或不完整的周期) 开/关开关带指示灯 在级联连接与其他类似的装置 (最多20元) 尺寸:155×82×97(H)mm 0.500重量:kg 电源:1.80米的电缆长度 电缆连接的长度单位为m,在级联。 制造的灰色ABS,耐冲击 目前,符合国际标准 适用于电气安全,e.m.c. and to the 适用的欧盟法规 携带盒(V140),在抗休克 材料,设计了一种对包含以下 项目:pd140手持式金属探测器, 测试件,bc140f快速电池充电器, 如果电源电缆和指导 使用。 技术特点 尺寸:445×300×180毫米 pd140 2300公斤的重量和电池包括: 充电器 耐冲击的ABS和特种施工 存储compartments V140 carryingcase使理想的和最紧凑的手段,safest 传输的pd140 目前,符合国际标准 适用于电气安全,e.m.c. and to the 适用的欧盟法规 绿色LED blinking:进展中的电荷。 blinking电荷稳定后 已完成的 电源灯 开/关开关 手持式金属探测器的pd140增强是一个高灵敏度器件设计 检测磁性和非磁性金属质量。 该装置可以用于检测武器,和其他detonators 英文版PD140手持金属探测器
FEATURE HIGHLIGHTS • High Sensitivity • Detection of both Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Metals • Optical, Acoustical and Vibration Alarm • Long Battery Life • Very High Reliability • Easy to Use • Self-Calibrating • Fast Inductive Battery Charger (optional for PD140VR model) EnHAncEd HAnd HELd METAL dETEcToR V140 Carrying Case The special ergonomic shape of The device allows inspecTion wiThouT The inTerference of The operaTor’s fingers SpEcIAL ERGonoMIc SHApEBc140F PD140 8 Operating Features Turning on the Metal Detector Operator Controls and Signali Switch the 3-position Power/Mode switch from the central OFF position to either left or right, depending on whether the device is to be operated with audio/visual alarms (left) or with audio/visual/vibration alarms (right). The Metal Detector's ALARM LED will light up and the Alarm Buzzer will be activated for a short time. During this operation, keep the detection surface away from any metal objects until the alarm signaling has gone out. The POWER LED lights up to indicate that the device is operable. Return the switch to the OFF position to turn off the device. NOTE: the device emits brief audio/visual alarm whenever power is turned on, end a brief visual alarm whenever power is turned off, or when power is lost. OFF ALARM LOW BATTERY POWER Fig. 5 ALARM LOW BAT POWER Power/Mo • Lef ala • Rig vib Alarm Buz Program Version: n/a Rev.: FI 005 GB100K2 v1 Date: 2005-10-21 MEdIUM Low HIGH 1 2 3 4 5 6 EnHAncEd HAnd HELd METAL dETEcToR ceia reserves the right to make changes, at any moment and without notice, to the models (including programming), their accessories and optionals, to the prices and conditions of sale Zona Industriale 54/G, 52041 Viciomaggio - Arezzo (ITALY) Tel.: +39 0575 4181 Fax: +39 0575 418298 E-mail: w w w . c e i a . n e t dp009 Uk 100k2V3-42090 TEcHnIcAL FEATURES powER SUppLY pd140V: 9V dry battery or 9V niMH with contact charger pd140VR: 9V niMH with BC140F inductive charger THREE-poSITIon SwITcH wITH SELEcTIon oF Two dIFFEREnT ALARM ModES simultaneous optical and acoustic alarm. Built-in buzzer (75 dBa at a distance of 90 cm) Optical alarm and handle vibration SEnSITIVITY AdjUSTMEnT BY MEAnS oF A THREE-poSITIon ExTERnAL SELEcToR BATTERY LIFE In conTInUoUS opERATIon with alkaline batteries: 150 hours max with niMH batteries: 40 hours max IndIcAToR LAMpS FoR Power on (green light) alarm (red light) Low battery charge (blinking yellow light) opERATInG TEMpERATURE -15°C to 65°C (relative humidity: 0 to 95% ) Manufactured in grey, shock-resistant Polycarbonate and aBs blend dIMEnSIonS 340 x 80 x 55 mm wEIGHT (wITH BATTERY) 0.400 kg Conforms to the international standards currently applicable for electrical safety, e.M.C. and to the applicable Ce regulations opERAToR conTRoLS And SIGnALLInG dEVIcES 1 ALARM Red Light: alarm signalling 2 Low BATTERY Yellow light: Low Battery signalling (blinking) 3 powER Green light: “Power on” and “ready” status signalling. When charging on the BC140F, indicates the status of the charge 4 SEnSITIVITY AdjUSTMEnT 5 powER/ModE switch • Left position: visual and audible alarm signalling • Right position: visual and vibration alarm signalling 6 ALARM BUZZER Bc140F FAST IndUcTIVE BATTERY cHARGER V140 cARRYInG cASE The Bc140F unit provides recharging, without electrical contact, of the niMH batteries in the pd140VR Metal detectors. The BC140F battery charger is designed to be able to be connected in cascade with other similar devices. TEcHnIcAL FEATURES powER SUppLY: 90-265Vrms, 50/60 Hz, 4 W REcHARGInG TIME: 4 hours or less (complete cycle) on/oFF switch with indicator lamp Connection in cascade with other similar devices (up to 20 units) dIMEnSIonS: 82 x 155 x 97 (h) mm wEIGHT: 0.500 kg LEnGTH oF MAInS cABLE: 1.80 m Length of cable for connecting units in cascade: 0.17 m Manufactured in grey, shock-resistant aBs Conforms to the international standards currently applicable for electrical safety, e.M.C. and to the applicable Ce regulations The V140 carrying-case, in shock-resistant material, is designed to contain the following items: a PD140 Hand Held Metal Detector, a test piece, a BC140F fast battery-charger, a power supply cable and the instructions for use. TEcHnIcAL FEATURES dIMEnSIonS: 445 x 300 x 180 mm wEIGHT: 2.300 kg including PD140 and battery charger shock-resistant aBs construction and the special storage compartments make the V140 carryingcase the ideal, safest and most compact means of transporting the PD140 Conforms to the international standards currently applicable for electrical safety, e.M.C. and to the applicable Ce regulations GREEn LEd blinking: charge in progress; steady after blinking: charge completed powER LAMp on/oFF SwITcH The PD140 enhanced Hand Held Metal Detector is a high sensitivity device designed to detect magnetic and non-magnetic metal masses. The unit can be used to detect weapons, detonators and other small pieces of metal concealed in baggage or correspondence. The bidirectional detection probe allows both sides to detect metals evenly. The sensitivity of the surface is enhanced by the shape making operation of the device reliable and easy to operate. The PD140 Metal Detector is available in two standard sensitivity versions: pd140V and pd140VR (model equipped for no-contact induction battery charger). Both are available with a 9V dry battery or rechargeable ni/MH batteries. Belt holster |